Put up yer dukes, to the square!

According to a news report, an incident of saving seats in a crowded Sacrament Meeting resulted in a fistfight at church, and then one man hitting the other with his car.  Read all about it here.  From the article:

LDS Bishop Brett Ferrin said he was saddened by the fight. He said he was counseling both families and trying to bring his ward together.  “This is a place of worship,” he said. “The bottom line is we have to come back to church next Sunday.”  Ferrin said if there is a “teaching moment” to come from all of this, it is that “split-decisions affect the way we live” and there are consequences.

I think he means split-second decisions, not that people in the ward took a vote and were not unanimous on whether the guy should hit the other one with the car.  “Any opposed?”

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Whose side are you on?  Discuss.