Gordon Jump from WKRP in Cincinnati/Maytag Repair man
Gordon Jump from WKRP in Cincinnati/Maytag Repair man

It’s been more than 20 years since the LDS Church updated the temple movie for the endowment ceremony, and this time, the church has produced 3 new movies.  When I first attended the temple, Gordon Jump of WKRP in Cincinnati and later the Maytag Repair Man portrayed the apostle Peter in the temple dramatization.

Michael Ballam is out.
These guys are now out of the temple dramatizations.

When the Church updated the film in 1990, opera singer Michael Ballam portrayed Satan, but now he’s out.  From what I understand, as the church has introduced more temples to Africa, they’ve discovered that some African languages require more words to get explain the temple ceremony.  So, the church has modified the entire ceremony, allowing more pauses to accommodate the African saints.  This makes the ceremony about 15 minutes longer.  Many temples had endowment ceremonies every 30 minutes, but due to the longer length of the endowment presentation, the church is encouraging temples to schedule sessions every hour.  Some temples are experimenting with scheduling to see if they can do sessions more often, but this is leading to challenges.

Some temples were especially busy this week with people wanting to see the new endowment movies.  Summer is traditionally busy with endowments for missionaries and marriages as people try to fit this in before school starts toward the end of August.  Unaware of the change, some patrons waited for over an hour to get into an endowment session because previous sessions were completely full.  (I’m sure people will adjust once the novelty is over.)

Is this correlation run amok?  Why change the endowment for the entire church when it is just Africa that has a problem?  Did you think the movie needed updating since it had been 20 years since it was updated?  Is there anything you can share if you’ve seen the new movies?